Futur Store App [Devnet Relai Network]

In this guide we will see how to browse the Futur Store android app

When opening the app we see 3 sections in bottom of the app which represent the 3 types of assets currently available in the store which are Apps, Games and Books

The app apk can be dowloaded here or be built by cloning the github repo and following the instruction the readme.

In order to interact with the store for example purchasing assets we need account which is represented by a substrate wallet. In order to create a wallet, let's click the burger menu in top left of the screen to see the menu opened and click on Manage Wallets.
After we are invited to enter our mnemonic phrase and give a name to the wallet and click on Connect Wallet

After the account is created we will need some tokens for transactions. We need to click on Request Tokens to call the faucet service to receive tokens.
Also it is possible to add other accounts by clicking on the + sign on top right and enter the mnemonic.

Now that we ha some tokens let's purchase an app by clicking in the app card to enter the detail page of the app.
By clicking get button the app is downloaded and we can now click on open and install it. We might need to allow the app to be installed since it's come from another store that Google play.

For the books also the same process applies. After purchasing a book the books will be read by the Kaggu app when clicking open and we assume that we have the Kaggu app installed